We love supporting New Mills repair café – it’s one of the many things that help make our town unique.
This month there was a good success rate, with 5 completed, none unrepairable, and 4 awaiting parts or further investigation or referred to Buxton (ceramics). Donations came to £24, this just covered the rent (12), cake (4) and electrical sundries (7.60) but we do have adequate reserves and Visit New Mills kindly cover our insurance costs.
The “usual suspects” were presented – a clock, torches, a vacuum cleaner and a lamp. Added to our list of interesting one-offs were a heated blanket, and a vintage butter churn.
The team were also able to perform delicate surgery on a cuddly dog with rather complex internal wiring, with the assistance of Theatre Nurse Pam who made the incision and sewed it up again afterwards. The patient is now glowing in the dark and playing lullabies again, to comfort his young owner.

Hope to see you all next time at New Mills Volunteer Centre