New Mills Litterpick Party

New Mills litter pick party is a group of like-minded people who volunteer their time and energy, because they want to keep a clean and tidy neighbourhood free from litter, and have fun.

We organise litter picks every 4-6 weeks, trying to alternate between Saturday and Sundays, on average a dozen people come to help at each pick. We ask the group and community for hot spots locations to litter pick and have had to repeat some of the more problematic areas each year.

We also loan our equipment out to any group or business that would like to do their own litter pick.

Below is a map of the bins around New Mills.

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If you require further information or would like to get involved please contact us on;

2 thoughts on “New Mills Litterpick Party”

  1. Carol Coupland

    Why are there no bins between Birch Vale and Hayfield?

    I went litter picking on Thursday from Birch vale to Hayfield and most of the litter is poop bags!

    If we had some bins then hopefully they would get used!

    1. Hi Carol you would have to take that up initially with Hayfield Parish Council or High Peak Borough Council – you’re right it would help keep the trail beautiful

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