Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills
1 Present:
Sean Whewell, Zena Aris-Sutton, John Reed, Lee Barratt
2 Apologies: Beth Atkins, Jan smith
3 Minutes of 6/7/2020:
The Minutes of the meeting of 6/7/2020 were accepted as a true and correct record. – Send copy to all attendees
4 Matters Arising
a. Safe Places – DCC – Zena to contact all venues once library open and confirm if still on scheme and wants posters. Then advertise at venues plus VNM website/social media
b. Signature on bank account – Sean to get forms from co-op for all officers to become signatures and remove Barry Bates. 5 forms in total for Zena Aris-Sutton, John Reed, Lee Barratt, Beth Atkins & Jan smith
c. GDPR – agreed updates and will update website by end of September
d. Constitution – agreed updates and will update website by end of September
e. Derbyshire rangers – discussed planting another 500 Trees, would prefer in an open space. Written to woodland trust to ask to part fund/fund.
f. Check if shops without flag poles are interested in these and look at funds ready for carnival 2021
g. Litter prevention signs have been placed around prime locations in New Mills, feedback has been positive.
h. New bins now been delivered and are now down at mousley bottom. Look at adding sticker to bins and try without lids, if this not successful, then re-evaluate lids for next event.
5 Correspondence:
a. Invite from Lindsey Wetton to interpretation board meeting
b. Mikey Heald & Lynne Allen Youth and community engagement worker, invite to meeting to discuss VNM role and what their role is, then how we can work together.
6 Finance Update: The current bank balance is £2592.42, Includes stall/programme money from Carnival, most now part of LSO 20
a. Event Bins x10 spent £336.59
The most recent Quizits have been:
o Virtual Quizit – £358.01
7 Social Update:
Sean reported that the website has had 4611 web page views in 30 days, 3019 users over 30 days period. The Facebook membership was 9194, Twitter membership 2058 and Instagram 1795. Sean to continue adding Milestones to Facebook.
Jo Brooks at High Peak Borough Council wrote about licensing – waiting for a response. Verify at next meeting if LSO can go ahead.
9 Any Other Business:
· David sorted brackets for festoon lights for Albion rd. Arrange to install after approval from shops.
· Community Cinema start 2 weeks ago, met with Richard Hole/Father Owain reviewed risk assessment and decide maximum people allowed. Work on free tickets entry only.
· Crowd funder for Xmas tree is currently running
· Interpretation boards – project map of New Mills, highlighting areas of interest including leaflets. QR code takes to relevant page on VNM, everyone agreed this is good idea. Follow up meeting 1st week September.
· Signage for New Mills indoor Market, Lee to check the size and do design to work out costs. Then decide on funding.
Date, time and place of next meeting:
6pm on Tuesday 22nd Sept