Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills
1 Present:
Sean Whewell, Zena Aris-Sutton, Jan Smith, Lee Barratt, John Reed
2 Apologies: Beth Atkins
3 Minutes of 3/6/2020:
The Minutes of the meeting of 3/6/2020 were accepted as a true and correct record. – Send copy to all attendees
4 Matters Arising
a. Sean proposed John Reed to become an officer, Lee Second, all other officers agreed – Accepted
b. GDPR Review – each member to read and feedback by 22nd July via email even if no comments
c. Constitution review – each member to read and feedback by 22nd July via email even if no comments
d. Safe Places – DCC – Zena check what they have to show safe place and design poster if none. Then advertise at venues plus VNM website/social media – TBC still library and leisure centres closed.
e. Route 68 – castle edge, bike route but full of pot holes about the size of road. Sean reported Sustrans (https://www.sustrans.org.uk/) to write to DCC and Cheshire Council to see if something can be done as not passable
f. Flags poles/holders – Sean to check costs of flag poles/ Zena – check pole flag holders – send list to group to check.
g. Litter Signs – to place all 30, split between Sean and Zena, Zena to confirm who does where.
h. New bins & lids – Quoted new bins – To confirm how bins, what needed, size, then prototype Zena to re share quote.
i. ShopAppy – 4 business on App already – juice graphic, wiseheart, stepwise, Presentation took place to New Mills Traders, any further actions should be directly between shopappy and traders.
5 Correspondence: None
6 Finance Update: The current bank balance is £3071.64.
The most recent Quizits have been:
o Virtual Quizit – £212.96
7 Web Site Update:
Sean reported that the website has had web page views, 3749 over 30 day period. The Facebook membership was 9146, Twitter 2040 membership and 1707 Instagram.
8 Light Switch on – Review at August meeting unless government update beforehand.
9 Any Other Business:
· Look into what is needed to get a charitable status/CIC. – John told us takes a lot to set up and costs, with little benefits, would mean changing the organisation – John to look into the matter further.
· Business directory – Jan to check for any closed businesses to remove, deleted some, queried some unsure of, will continue to work on it.
· VNM article for 20’s plenty stickers was shared, all were taken and used.
· New bridge over the River Sett is now started construction.
· Event on Facebook – Check to ensure the services/events are within the New Mills Boundaries before approving to avoid conflict of interests for New Mills Business.
· Sarah W, has asked to add a Cycle section to VNM website, also discussed adding cycle routes to VNM Strava.
· Shopping Saturday – Positive feedback, maybe discuss with businesses about doing another 6-8 weeks.
10 Date, time and place of next meeting:
Wednesday 19th August 7pm on at Venue TBC or Skype