Welcome to New Mills Digital community Notice board, see what currently playing on all 3 locations.
To submit a advert/notice please follow the link and complete the form, including uploading notice.
Policy for use of digital notice boards owned and managed by the Visit New Mills.
Notice boards are provided to publish community information of interest to the residents and visitors to the Parish of New Mills, Derbyshire.
Notice Boards locations and times
- New Mills & District Volunteer Centre front window on 7 days a week
- Rock Mill Centre – inside during opening hours (Thursday to Sunday 10am – 4 pm.)
- The notice boards in the above locations to be used only for notices relating to groups or events in New Mills Parish.
- All notices have to be submitted through the form on the VNM website and will appear on all Notice boards.
- VNM will respond to submitted forms within 24-36 hours, so please submit with enough time before the start date and to be able to comply with Point 11.
- Notices to be displayed no earlier than one month prior to the advertised event and a minimum of a week. This rule may be relaxed at the prerogative of VNM for certain events if it is considered that the one-month restriction is inappropriate.
- Notices will be removed immediately after the event.
- Notices /Advertisements for non-for-profit organisations that permanently aid New Mills Residents and the like may be placed permanently. In the event that the availability of space becomes an issue, the VNM will decide on priorities.
- All notices need to be of orientation A4 in portrait mode or Square. File format: JPEG, PNG,MP4 or PDF. Plus, no larger file size than 100mb.
- VNM has the right to refuse notices based on our constitution. We believe in Equality and diversity, therefore if they don’t comply and is discriminatory based on disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation and political bias, notices will be declined. visit-new-mills constitution
- VNM are not responsible for the content and accuracy of any notice posted. That is the responsibility of the advertiser.
- Charges apply to Business/organisations for profit of £2* per week or £7.50* per month for portrait posters(half screen) OR £5* per week or £15* per month Landscape page/videos (videos no longer than 30 seconds in length) (whole screen).*
- Charges should be paid in advance to VNM
*Charges to cover electricity and maintenance costs of boards, if any profit remains at the end of each Calendar year, it will be split equally between the 4 Partners.
V3 – 25.5.24, in the 1st year VNM will review and update policy where applicable