Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills
1 Present:
Sean Whewell, Zena Aris-Sutton, Jan Smith, Lee Barratt
2 Apologies: Beth Atkins
3 Minutes of 11/1/2020:
The Minutes of the meeting of 11/1/2020 were accepted as a true and correct record. – Send copy to all attendees
4 Matters Arising
a. Safe Places – DCC – Zena to contact DCC to check if anything changed due to lockdown, poster created of which venues included, check what they have to show safe place and design poster if none. Then advertise at venues plus VNM website/social media
b. Route 68 – castle edge, bike route but full of pot holes about the size of road. Sean reported Sustrans (https://www.sustrans.org.uk/) who replied would look at it.
c. 500 Trees were planted end of February by a very small group and are doing well.
d. Due to lockdown, we are currently every week doing a virtual quizit, with over 100 attendees the world.
5 Correspondence: None
6 Finance Update: The current bank balance is £2854.82, Includes stall/programme money from Carnival, most now part of LSO 20
The most recent Quizits have been:
o Repair Café Tools £123 (9th January)
o New Mills Women’s group -£185 (16th January)
o Autism Plus – £116 (23rd January)
o New mills Jolly Joggers £190 (30th January)
o New Mills Primary PTA £136 (6th February)
o Stockport Samaritans £200.10 (13th February)
o Derbyshire wildlife £122 (20th February)
o Tiny Ticker £174 (27th February)
o Newtown Primary PFA – £109 (5th March)
o Women’s Cricket Club £230 (12th March)
o Virtual Quizit – £82.63
7 Web Site Update:
Sean reported that the website has had 34,958 web page views, 30 day period. The Facebook membership was 9114, Twitter membership 2026 and Instagram 1642. Sean to put some articles on VNM as provided from Alison Johnson.
8 New Mills Carnival
It was decided by the committee to postpone to next year – Superheros theme on Saturday 12th June 2021 at 1pm – AL participates informed and agreed to move to LSO or next years, Both Town Council and High Peak Council informed.
9 Any Other Business:
· Yellows Bins, and was successful with application grant, maybe use VNM stickers and Zena to look at pop up recycle covers.
· New Group – New Mills 2021 bounce forward not step back (community conversation 2030) – Already provided articles on businesses adapting, looking at results of community conversation and seeing where we can assist where is joins up with our constitution.
· Northe Slack has retired as VNM officer, we would like to thank her for her time and knowledge that she has given during her time in office.
· We will formally invite John Reed to become an officer on VNM and will formalise at the next meeting.
· Look into what is needed to get a charitable status.
· Business directory – Jan to check for any closed businesses to remove.
· VNM article for 20’s plenty stickers to share.
· New bridge over the River Sett is now started construction.
10 Date, time and place of next meeting:
4pm on Wednesday 8th July at Venue TBC or Skyp