Meeting Minutes for the Sixth Annual General Meeting and the scheduled ordinary meeting on 30/3/2022
- Present: Sean Whewell, Zena Aris-Sutton, Emily Johnstone, John Reed, Jan Smith, & Steve Wilson, Catherine Finn
- Apologies: NONE
- Review of Minutes of AGM 2021 – John first and jan second, all agreed
- Annual reports: See attached reports – read out by Zena, provided to VNM members by email. To add Emily to QF
- Election of Officers – All happy to remain as officers,
- Treasurer – Sean will continue in the role, Jan will be Vice – Treasurer
- Secretary – Zena elected to continue and agreed to become secretary.
- New Officers – SW to check those that shown an interest and come back at next week.
- Like to thank Beth Aktins for her input over the years.
- Date and time of next AGM –Jan 2023 – Venue and Date TBC in Nov 2022
- Any other business – Thanks to Youth Matters for the use of Union rd.
General Meeting
- Minutes of 27.2.22:
The Minutes of the meeting of 27.2.22 were accepted as a true and correct record.
- Matters Arising
- Bank complaint –ombudsman £50 fee was a fair amount compensation – so closed case
- Update Natwest bank address and Invoices through QF to Zena’s at 53, Beech Ave, New Mills, SK22 4HU
- 500 trees planted in Mousley Bottom. SW – Check where we could plant trees if we wanted to do it this year. – No update – Ask on VNM Post? Accessible to the community? 2m apart ish/Hedges. Schools 2nd?
- Hanging baskets 6 extra, found locations near to new Mills Newtown/central train stations – JS/SW to speak to tim
- Co-op Local community fund – ideas
- Can get funding for hanging baskets (omitting VAT) so this could help with difference.
- Generators – for outdoor events – JS costs 2k, 4 people to carry and concern with storage – not suitable to purchase.
- Art theatre got in touch asking how can we work better together –
- Sent a list of suggestions to Art theatre, heard nothing back.
- Correspondence:
- NMTC – declined to fund maps email 21.3.22
- CAZ update – Thank Anne Clarke for sharing update email 18.3.22
- Finance Update:
The current bank balance is £7887.49 in credit.
- Hanging basket purchased £2273.40
- Hanging baskets Maintenance £2309.04
- 2000 New mills Maps £598
The money raised from Quizits
- St Mary Primary PTA £182.50
- New community cinema £117
- Youth matter £115.10
- High peak community art – £100
- Media Update:
Website page views 4504 sessions 2857 in 30 days
Facebook membership was 9763, Twitter membership 2200 and Instagram 2282
- Any Other Business:
DBS – Renew or enrol so all members have DBS
Bike bags – need VNM bags x2 and look at amending contents if needed. Door 34 &
- Date, time and place of next meeting:
Wednesday 11th May 7pm Royal Oak