Visit New Mills continues to support Community groups and facilitate events and projects in New Mills.
During this financial year we have purchased Community PA, new set of Community flags, new set of Union jack flags for remembrance parade. Started to use reusable pint glasses at Community events, managed the Carnival, Youth Festival and Lights Switch On, supported Community events and groups with public liability insurance
Please refer to annual summary
The weekly Quizit that supports all communities and groups in New Mills had continued to be successful and had recently reached the £30,000 funding raised milestone.
Projects 2020
Tree planting in Mousley Bottom
Small Glories gig at Torr Vale Mill
Additional town festoon lighting for Albion Road
Carnival and Lights Switch On events
Community Cinema at St Georges
Weekly Quizit’s
Continued support of Community groups with particular focus on positive climate and environment impact.
Financial support (donations) in purchasing Community assets and community events received from DCC, HPBC, NMF, OWF