1. Present: Sean Whewell, Zena Aris-Sutton, John Reed, Jan Smith, &
Steve Wilson
2. Apologies: Emily Johnstone
3. Minutes of 30.1.22: The Minutes of the meeting of 30.1.22 were accepted as a true and correct record.
4. Matters Arising
- Bank complaint –ombudsman, no update.
- Natwest bank now open, need to log on to Online banking – for everyone. SW – to check regarding adding Zena Arsis-Sutton, Jan Smith, Steve Wilson, John Reed to Cheque Signatures
- Storage update – Will fund for 6 months at a time rolling, through New Mills Festival awaiting invoice.
- 500 trees planted in Mousley Bottom. SW – Check where we could plant trees if wanted to do this year. – No update
- AGM next meeting – Archies 30th March 7pm – Event & post FB
- Co-op Local community fund – ideas
- Can get funding for hanging baskets (omitting VAT) so this could help with difference.
- Outdoor cinema, consider location, equipment and outsourcing.
- Generators – for outdoor events – JS look into Cost/type
- Art theatre got in touch asking how can we work better together –
- Suggest a get together to discuss in more depth
5. Correspondence:
- Unsuccessful grant application (hayfield sheepdog trials) 16.2.22
- Payment easy funding £28.35 16.2.22
6. Finance Update:
The current bank balance is £6129.06 in credit.
The money raised from Quizits
- Communality cinema £160
- New mills primary PTA £148.05
- Tiny tinkers £121
- New Mills scouts £180
- Visit New Mills – £153.65
7.Website Update:
Website page views 4321 sessions 2788 in 30 days
Facebook membership was 9747, Twitter membership 2194 and Instagram 2274
8. Date, time and place of next meeting: Archies Wednesday 30th March 7pm (AGM)