The New mills Community Cinema is run by volunteers in close association with St. George’s Church. We run six or seven films a year during the school holidays, as the target market is the children of New Mills, Birch Vale, Newtown, Marple, Hayfield, Little Hayfield and the surrounding area. It’s free to attend for all, we supply snacks and drinks for both children & adults plus, most importantly, show the latest film available and it’s only possible do this thanks to the generous donations given by the attendees. For that I want to say a massive thank you to all that attend, without your donations this simply wouldn’t be possible.
We asked “If you’ve ever been to the kid’s cinema, can I ask what you enjoy about it?” and got some lovely responses, which make it all worthwhile.
Fran Whitrow: I like that it allows my two older children to be able to enjoy watching a movie & have a cinema experience that they might otherwise miss out on, as going to an actual cinema is a bit tricky with our 9 month old baby! Very relaxed, informal and if you do end up having to leave a bit early due to a tricky toddler or unhappy baby you don’t feel you’ve wasted an absolute fortune! Great film choices too!
Annette Lucia: It has a lovely community feel to it, something so simple yet so enjoyable and relaxed. It’s a far better experience than going to the actual cinema.
Jane Beesley: The simplicity kids can enjoy a film close to home without having to drive for miles to get there. Love it, well done.
Victoria Healey: Inexpensive nice thing to do in the holidays within walking distance and kids get to see their friends, my kids would answer ‘the sweets!’. The films are recent too which is great.
Kimberley – Annabelle Huddlestone: Being able to have the cinema experience without having to cart 3 travel sick kids out on public transport to do so. The fact that nobody judges the kids who don’t want to sit still. Not having to spend a fortune for an afternoon’s activity. Being able to introduce the kids to community activities. And honestly, sitting in peace with a brew whilst my kids are entertained chattering with their friends, eating popcorn and watching a film in a safe space.
Maria Hunt: Being able to walk there and the community feeling, bumping into people you know. It’s cheap and very cheerful.
Everyone is welcome to join us, for further details find us on Facebook: