New Mills has a new music service – High Peak Recordings – which offers mixing, mastering and audio repair services, as well as advice on recording.
High Peak Recordings was established by Bon Holloway. With over 10 years’ experience in mixing, mastering and recording, Bon graduated from Spirit Studios, where he received a Distinction in Music Production and Sound Engineering. His aim is to work with clients to achieve their musical aspirations and ambitions at affordable prices, and with care and attention to detail.

High Peak Recordings work with bands or solo artists to get their music mixed and mastered to a professional standard and ready for release. Furthermore, Bon is more than happy to offer advice and lessons on recording, mixing and mastering. So, if you’ve been trying to record your music during lockdown and you want it to sound better, then get in touch with High Peak Recordings.

Alternatively, perhaps you’ve experimented with podcasts and are not happy with the results? Bon, who has worked with Manchester Metropolitan University on their podcasts, is happy to offer advice on podcast production and recording. Or perhaps you have some recordings with hiss, hum or crackles that you want to sound better, then High Peak Recordings offers audio repair services to make your recordings sound the best they’ve ever been. To get in touch with High Peak Recordings please email or visit the website where you can listen to some examples of Bon’s recording, mixing and mastering work.