Once again, the New Mills Art Theatre presents a pantomime that sparkles and shines, and what a pantomime it is.  This script, by Nick Lawrence is fresh, new up to date and entertaining.  Added to which are some new faces in the cast.

Director Cathryn Yates has worked wonders with her principals, they were well cast and great characters with some excellent stand-out performances.  I would like to mention just a few.  Newcomer William Kerr made terrific King Rat. He commanded the stage and had the audience booing and shouting from the outset.  Frank and Sammy (his side kicks) played by Ginny Kerr and Lisa Quin were great fun and both had strong vocals.  Ava Hibbert played the cat, Eileen.  I know, it’s not the name you expect the cat to be called, but boy was she good.  Her facial expressions and characterisation for one so young (just 11) were really exceptional.  A shout out also goes to Steve Daniels as Captain Watt for his strong performance and great accent.

My performance of the evening goes to Ross Provart as Idle Jack. This character is the link man, the silly character, and he did a fabulous job delivering his dialogue with expert timing and stage craft, loud and clear.  I have watched him grow in confidence and strength over the years since he played the lead in Oliver, and he has never disappointed.   He is certainly a name to watch out for in the future.  Congratulations too, go to the rest of the principals who all gave convincing performances.

MD Claire Sweeney has once again done a great job with the singing, her ability to get such good harmonies from the youngsters and adults is no surprise.  Songs were well chosen and just the right length.  Very well done to everyone.

Tegan Wiliams a new choreographer brought slick routines to the stage.  It was lovely to see everyone doing the same arms at the same time and I could see that they had all been well drilled.  Altogether with principals, adults, singers and dancers over 50 took to the stage.  It is clear, that this pantomime group is here to stay for a long time.

The costumes, (many from Charades Costumiers) were beautiful, especially those worn by Dame Sarah.  Well done in that finale costume.  As always, the stage crew, tech team and props had worked hard with scene changes helping to bring to life the story.  This is a great family panto not to be missed.  Don’t delay there a still some seats available for performances on 31 January and 1, 2 and 7, 8 February at New Mills Art Theatre from: www.ticketsource.co.uk/arttheatrepantomime or the Box Office 07983 344862

Review by Sheryl Haydock Howorth