plain English

Laura Ripper | Proofreading and Copy-editing
Business Genre
Short Description
Proofreading, copy-editing and plain-English editing services.
Long Description

I offer professional editing and proofreading services to businesses, charities, organisations and individuals.

I have 15 years' experience, and I'm an Advanced Professional member of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders in the UK.

My background is in communications and the not-for-profit sector, in particular housing, disability, digital inclusion, community outreach and older people. I specialise in copy-editing and plain-language editing.

I can help with reports, evaluations, policies, newsletters, marketing literature, website text, contracts, tenders, strategies, leaflets, brochures, information for the general public and academic work (for example, journal articles and PhD theses).

I'm happy to mark up Word documents or PDFs, whichever is most convenient for you. I can also edit web text from within content management systems.

Please visit my website for more information, or contact me to talk about your project in more detail.

Phone Number
07737 820530
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