About the business directory
The business directory onĀ is provided as a means for you to advertise your New Mills based business. Anyone making or selling anything, or providing any service within the boundaries of New Mills parish is welcome to add their details.
Please choose your business category carefully. If you feel a suitableĀ category is missing from the list, please let us know via our contact form.
All submissions will be moderated by the site admins, to remove spam entries and anything inappropriate. Your entry should appear on the site within a couple of weeks. If it hasn’t, let us know and we’ll try and find out what’s gone wrong.
At this point, all entries to the directory are free of charge, forever. We may occasionally ask you to check your listing is up to date. And in the future we may offer Featured listings for a small fee, in order to help fund the website maintenance and other Visit New Mills activities and events.
Finally, if you have any problems using the business directory system, but would like to have a listing on the site, we would beĀ happy to help create a listing for you. Just drop us a line using the contact form.