
New Mills Women’s Group
Business Genre
Short Description
We are a local community group open to all women in the New Mills area who strive to support each other and work together to make a difference in our community.

We meet every Thursday in term time at New Mills Children's Centre, 12.30 - 2.30pm.
Long Description

Why join us:

- Gain confidence and build self-esteem
- Meet new people – make new friends
- Work with our community
- Sit, chat and relax
- Keep safe, fit and healthy
- Develop new skills e.g. First Aid, Fund-raising, ICT .

A few activities we do:

- ‘Creating Spaces’ Community Art Project
- Organising Neighbourhood and Fun Days in our local community
- Charity fund-raising
- Group fund-raising events
- New Mills under the Hammer Auction
-Toy sales
- Bag packing at The Co-op
- One World Festival stall

Website Address
Torrs Hydro New Mills Ltd
Business Genre
Short Description
Owner of Archie, a reverse Archimedean screw in the Torrs Riverside Park
Long Description

A Community Benefit Soceity (co-operative) it runs a micro hydro electricity scheme in the Torrs Riverside Park.

Phone Number
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