A range of businesses including shops and cafes have joined the Derbyshire ‘Safe Place Scheme’
They offer their premises as temporary safe environments where adults with learning disabilities can go if they find themselves in difficulty while out and about, for example if they feel scared, unwell or are lost. Some GP surgeries and all county council libraries have signed up, including New Mills Library.
The Revive Café in Market Street are ideally sited in the town centre to become a Safe Places venue and are signing up to the scheme.
The scheme gives people with learning disabilities confidence to go out knowing that if they’re ever afraid or need extra help, they just have to look for the Safe Place logo to know that help is on hand.
As part of the scheme, anyone with a learning disability is advised to carry a Keep Safe Card – which will have the name and contact details of the person they would want to be telephoned if they need help, for example, a family member, carer or friend.
More information about the Safe Place Scheme and Keep Safe Cards – including a list of Safe Places in Derbyshire, ways to apply to become a Safe Place and how to apply for a Keep Safe Card, can be found at www.derbyshire.gov.uk/safeplace