Minutes – 9 March 2015

Minutes of the meeting of Visit New Mills held on Monday 9th March 2015


  • Present:

Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Northe Slack, Beth Atkins


  • Apologies:

Mike Daniels


  • Minutes of the meeting of 16th February:

With the previous amendments – were accepted as a true and correct record.


  • Matters Arising:

Resignation – before the remainder of the meeting took place it was noted that, since the last meeting, Jean Fildes had resigned from the group.

From 4) 8) i) – OWF. It was noted that a reply had not yet been received.

From 4) 8) ii) – Projector. Sean reported that the cheque had now arrived and was awaiting clearance.

From 5) – Funding strategy. Barry produced a draft strategy and highlighted the main parts of it. Following a discussion it was agreed that Sean would contact Derbyshire Foundation to check if it was possible to copy their evaluation system. Barry will circulate the draft strategy for other members to consider.

From 4) – Action Plan, Town Teams. Barry distributed documentation on Town Teams and reported on his recent conversation with Jean Ball. She has offered to meet VNM and discuss the issue with them. Barry will distribute “How to establish a Town Team” electronically and members will consider whether to begin a dialogue with Jean.


  • Finance update

Sean reported that the current balance sheet showed £2,324.41 in credit. £1,500 was awaited (cinema equipment) and current liabilities were £1,300 (lights on Union Road). Sean also reported on his recent application to Derbyshire Foundation.


  • Website update

Sean reported that there were currently 57 entries in the Business Directory. He suggested using the ’90 day rolling’ analytics for comparison purposes. So far there have been 16,000 hits and many enquiries about the Facebook page. It was agreed to print 100 more VNM postcards with a ‘business directory’ space on them to be handed out to new businesses.


  • Action plan update

Barry raised the issue of the resignation of Jean Fildes from the group. After discussion it was agreed that for the next meeting members will consider whether she needs to be replaced and, if so, who potential candidates might be.

Beth agreed to ask the Borough Council for funding for a new town map that included Newtown.


  • Any Other Business
  1. Sean reported on a recent meeting with Lynn Bannister to discuss the Festival Committees’ progress in replacing the display flags and poles. It was agreed that Barry will talk to the Festival Group at tomorrow evenings’ meeting.
  2. Sean reported on the new set of Pub Quiz Nights. The first event at the Hare and Hounds had had 54 contestants and raised £210 for Marple Cancer Charities. The next event will be at the Royal Oak.
  • Beth reported that New Mills Band will be holding a Quiz Night on 21st in the Town Hall.



  • Date of next meeting

Monday 13th April 2015 from 3.00 until 5.00 at Westmount.

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