Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills held on Monday 8th September 2014
- Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Beth Atkins, Jean Fildes, Northe Slack, Mike Daniels
- Apologies:
- Minutes of the Meeting of 11th August 2014:
As amended – 5) Finance Update “Currently VNM owed £150.00 {not £350.00} (part of the marketing grant) and was owed . . . “
- were accepted as a true and correct record.
- Matters Arising
From 4) Matters arising – 7) Action Plan – Planters. Contact with DCC – Beth reported that she had found an existing email from DCC Highways confirming that they were happy to advise on this issue. Barry confirmed that the ‘holding’ email had been sent.
It was resolved that Beth will contact Isabel Mulligan and request a site visit to Union Road. There were still unresolved questions about who would pay for the planters, who would install them and what existing services in the pavement might determine the work required. It was also resolved that the site meeting will seek a ‘general’ examination of the state of pavements in the centre of town.
From 8) 3) – Any Other Business. Marina. Barry reported that a reply had not yet been received from Terry Lane of Pridewater Estates. It was resolved to send a further letter stressing the promotional work that VNM can offer Pridewater.
From 8)2) – Youth Festival. It was reported that this event was scheduled for 20th September and will concentrate on getting young people involved with local agencies.
- Finance Update
Sean reported that the current balance is £245.80. Currently VNM owed £0.00 and was owed £247.00.
Sean reported a step change in income due to DCC funding for 1) the bush-craft courses and 2) the youth festival. Nothing has yet been received from the Co-op.
- Website Update
Karl has sent out the ‘Documentation for website contributors’. He hs also created logins for all VNM members.
Some members reported problems with email reception and Northe agreed to resend the original emails.
It was agreed that members need to study the material and then attend a training session with Karl which will take place at SBA. Jean asked about the status of the site and Northe confirmed that it was sufficiently advanced for VNM members to begin work on it.
- Action Plan Update
Members updated the list of actions that had been created at the previous meeting –
- Beth had ascertained that VNM can make copies of the amenities map currently situated near Torr Top. Beth will contact Simon Baker (Chief Executice of HPBC) and ask to meet with him. The main issue to be addressed will be a ‘shared style’ for information/ notice boards at Torr Top Car Park, the Bus station and both Railway stations. Whilst it was felt that these were the four critical ones for visitors to New Mills it was recognised that others will be identified and put into a ‘phased’ plan to update all of the access signs to the town.
- Jean reported that she had attempted to contact Cllr Barrow – but had not yet received a reply. It was agreed that the HPBC councillors for the town will be invited to the VNM meeting in November.
- Sean reported on the group (including himself and Beth) from New Mills and Marple that was meeting to plan Railway 150. One significant proposal so far had been to run a ‘special’ train to Wales. Lots of other activities are planned.
- Website – see Item 6.
- Community Projects Criteria. Sean had distributed some suggestions – which had been added to by other members. Following discussion the criteria which were agreed were:
- The group/ event must be New Mills based
- The group/ event should demonstrate a ‘need’ for assistance in marketing/ promotion
- The group must be transparent with their finances
- The group should agree to promote the assistance given by VNM
- VNM will only provide services – such as posters, printing, advertising, etc. – and not cash
- The group/ event must comply with appropriate policies and practices (as defined for a third sector organisation by High Peak CVS
- The final decision about whether to engage wit any group will be at the discretion of VNM
- Bush-craft events. It was reported that there will now be 4 sessions – 2 each on 21st and 28th
- Action Plan. It was resolved to formally revisit the Action Plan every quarter. Barry will build this into future timetables up to the next AGM.
- Any Other Business
- Station Road. Beth had received an estimate for resurfacing the road of £30k – £40k. She will contact residents with a view to organising a ‘local’ meeting. It was recognised that Station Road is not a registered road.
- Teenage Market. Sean will distribute information about the existing franchise to other members for their consideration.
- VNM Minutes. Following discussion it was resolved that VNM Minutes will be distributed to all New Mills Town Council councillors. Barry will discuss the procedure for doing this with the Town clerk.
9) Date of next meetings
Monday 6th October from 3.00 until 5.00 at Seans’.
Monday 3rd November from 3.00 until 5.00 at Jeans’.