Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills held on 6th December 2013
- Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Mike Daniels, Beth Atkins, Jean Fildes
- Apologies:
Northe Slack
- Minutes of the Meeting of 11/11/2013:
As distributed were accepted as a true and correct record.
- Matters arising:
From 7)1) Meeting with Mike Smith. A record of the discussion which had taken place at this meeting (immediately before the present one) is attached as Annexe A.
From 7)2) Meeting with HPBC Councillors. It was resolved that two dates will be suggested to all 5 HPBC councillors for a meeting with them – 2.00 on Monday 13th Jan. and 2.00 on Monday 20th Jan. both at New Mills Heritage Centre. The VNM business meeting for the month will take place immediately following that meeting.
From 8)b) One World Festival. Sean will attend the next meeting of this Committee.
From 8)c)i) Youth Club building. There was currently no further progress on this issue.
From 8)d) Plaques trail. There was currently no further progress on this issue.
From 8)g) Walkers are Welcome. It was reported that there had been a successful plaque unveiling ceremony at the Heritage Centre and that Mike had been interviewed by High Peak Radio.
- Finance Update:
Sean distributed a report (attached as Annexe B) for the Christmas Lights Switch on. It was noted that some items had not yet cleared so the exact financial situation (whilst in credit) could not be determined.
- Web Site Update:
It was noted that VNM were still awaiting decisions from the Greenbank Trust and Derbyshire Community Foundation.
Jean reported on the receipt of the EMFF ‘Funding the East Midlands’ report. She will consider this and prepare a report for the next VNM meeting.
- Action Plan update:
There had been no major progress in the last month.
Jean reported on a High Peak Arts project taking place on Thursday mornings at Spring Bank Arts. She will discuss with the project the possibility of linking to the ‘Friends of Stations’ group and will request an invitation for VNM to visit the project one Thursday morning.
Jean asked permission to share the VNM Constitution with a group in Glossop. This was agreed.
- Any Other Business:
- Barry reported on the recent Transition New Mills ‘Growing Spaces’ meeting.
- Barry reported on the impending event on 16th December (7.00-9.00) at Spring Bank Arts organised by the Seedsavers Group of the Allotment Society.
- VNM wished to congratulate the Christmas Lights Switch On group on organising an extremely successful event. It was noted that all traders taking part had been very positive about the event.
- Date, time and place of next meeting:
Either 2.00 on Monday 13th January or 2.00 on Monday 20th January at the Heritage Centre.