Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills held on 31st March 2014
- Present:
Barry Bate, Northe Slack, Sean Whewell, Beth Atkins, Jean Fildes
- Apologies:
Mike Daniels
- Minutes of the Meeting of 25/02/2014:
as amended { – from 4) Matters Arising from 5 – Response to Local Plan. Jean had not made an individual response. From 7) Action Plan update. The parking was on the east side of Union Road} – were accepted as a true and correct record.
- Matters arising:
From 8 – Forthcoming Marketing for New Mills Festival. The meeting between VNM and the Festival Committee took place. As a result Sean had met with Lyn Bannister and it had been agreed that relevant Festival events will now be jointly electronically hosted by VNM and New Mills Festival.
From 9 – AOB Finance issues. Sean had contacted Derbyshire Community Foundation. He had been advised that a bid for less than £1k for ‘Marketing’ might be considered favourably. It was agreed that he would submit a bid for £800.
Jean expressed concern about VNM potentially becoming an agent for other groups/ organisations. She was also concerned about the VNM brief becoming wider and, possibly, further away from the original aims. It was agreed that Sean will write a paragraph detailing the reasons for the application and then circulate this to members for ratification before an application is submitted.
- Finance Update:
Sean reported that the current balance was £921.10 in credit. Since the last meeting there had been one credit (Torrs Hydro – £100) and one debit (£20 – refund).
- Web Site Update:
Sean reported that Karl Sinfield will have a prototype site ready by the end of April. At that point he (Karl) would like to meet with VNM to assess progress. Northe reported that she had secured the free services of a local photographer (Tim Hensel) to provide some visual images for the site.
Jean asked about how the ‘calendar’ on the site would be managed.
Sean and Northe felt that there was a ‘middle road’ between total autocracy and total freedom whereby some trusted groups would be allowed to input their data whilst others would be quality assured for content.
Beth proposed that VNM should operate a system whereby 1) groups would submit their content in advance, 2) VNM would review this content every 3-4 weeks and 3) suitable content would be added to the website. Unsuitable content would be discussed with the originating group.
Location of participating groups will be restricted to the New Mills parish area. However, the site will contain a ‘links’ section to enable wider (geographical) promotion to take place and to enable groups to publicise their activities.
- Action Plan update:
Barry requested that this item was treated in two sections – 1) parking issues (mainly from the last meeting) and 2) overall aspects of the Action Plan (Capital issues).
Car Parking issues
It was agreed that there were many complex issues associated with car parking issues in the town centre. Beth felt that if some (relatively) small action took place about parking it might serve as a catalyst for further actions – especially on Union Road and Market Street. It was agreed that VNM needed more information about relative responsibilities for car parking issues. As a result Barry will contact HPBC councillors to seek advice on who is responsible for parking regulations, and their enforcement, on Union Road/ Market Street.
Pavement planters
It was agreed that Stephen Lewis (Parks Department) would be invited to attend the first half hour of the next VNM meeting in order to discuss issue around the potential use of ‘planters’ on Union Road.
Town signs
It was agreed that Barry will identify possible locations for the four Town Signs (discussed at previous meetings) on the four main access roads into the town and then circulate this information to members to aid future discussion.
Capital issues
Jean raised the issue of design, cost and funding for the art project (which had been previously discussed) at the railway stations. Beth confirmed that she had access to some existing funding both for the artwork and for planting schemes at both stations.
Following a discussion about suitable images for the artwork Barry confirmed that he had acquired some black and white images from the Manchester Locomotive Archive. He will forward these to Beth and remind the MLA archivist that he had promised to forward any suitable colour images that the Archive possesses.
Beth will ask Mike Rose (High Peak and Hope Valley Rail Partnership) if VNM can have access to the (proposed) new maps of the town that the Partnership is producing. She will also check on existing maps/information boards (located at the train and bus stations) and ascertain whether an additional such board could be located at Newtown Station.
Beth said that she is planning to relaunch the Newtown Station art scheme.
- Working on the Localism Agenda
Beth had circulated some information recently about Localism. Jean recalled that VNM had previously had information from a Council Officer about funding for localism issues and the formation of neighbourhood plans. She detailed the existing system of 1) National Planning Policy Framework (Development Framework), 2) Local Plan and 3) Neighbourhood Plan and their inter-relatedness. It was agreed that Jean will contact the relevant Officer and ask them to meet with VNM and, prior to the meeting, to recommend suitable neighbourhood plans that could be considered.
- Economic Regeneration/ Totally Locally/ Town Team
Barry gave a background to several recent meetings (in Hayfield and Glossop) about Regeneration and Totally Locally. A discussion ensued about local traders and the history of local traders groups. It was felt that there was not currently an effective representative group for local traders.
Northe updated the group on her recent communications about this topic and it was decided that this issue will not currently be pursued.
- Any Other Business:
- Sean reported that he had received and passed on the expected cheque (for £315) from DCC to the Greenbank Trust.
- It was confirmed that Gwyn Bowers had given a positive response to the proposal for VNM to make an application to the Mayors’ Fund. It was decided to apply for £500.
- Date, time and place of next meeting
3.00 on Monday 28th April at New Mills Heritage Centre.
Stephen Lewis and Karl Sinfield will be invited to attend this meeting.