Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills held on 2nd September 2013
- Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Beth Atkins, Jean Fildes, Northe Slack, Mike Daniels
- Apologies:
- Minutes of the Meeting of 12/08/2013:
The amended Minutes were accepted as a true and correct record.
- Matters arising:
From 4) and then 4) a) ii) (contact with NMTC) Barry reported that he had been informed that New Mills Town Council had appointed Cllr. Lamb as the liaison person for VNM. Barry had sent Cllr. Lamb a copy of the VNM Constitution and will forward to him copies of the Minutes on a monthly basis.
From 8) a) ii) (THI) Beth reported that she had not yet been able to contact Joanne Brookes’ line manager. However, Jean had received an email from Joanne stating that she could arrange a meeting with Planning staff. This item will be discussed more fully under Item 7 (Action Plan).
From 8) a) iii) (Torr Vale Mill) Barry circulated a draft of the letter to Daniel Cunningham. This was amended and it was agreed that this will now be sent.
- Finance Update:
Sean reported that he had returned the mandate to the Co-op Bank to facilitate internet banking. The current balance stands at £666 in credit.
Northe reported that mugs were still selling well.
After discussion it was agreed that Sean should order another batch of mugs to be printed.
- Web Site Update:
Barry reported on the update he had supplied to both Northe and Mike from the last meeting – and the subsequent discussion with Karl about his quotation. He reminded the group that they had determined to make a final decision on the issue at this meeting.
Mike felt that all quotes were now sufficiently professional for the decision to be made. Jean expressed some concern about the costs of quotes and this led to a discussion on possible sources of funding on the basis that about £3000 + VAT should be applied for :-
Beth suggested that VNM might apply to Derbyshire Community Foundation for up to £1000. Sean will investigate this possibility.
Beth also suggested a meeting with David Harrison of the Green Bank Trust. This was agreed as a priority and Beth will organise this.
Beth suggested that an application be made to the DCC Leadership Fund (especially for ‘shortfall’ funding for this project). This was agreed.
HPBC Mayors Fund and the New Mills Carnival Fund were also suggested as possible sources of small amounts of funding. Jean will investigate the HPBC Mayors Fund and Mike will talk to Gwynn Bowers about the NM Mayors Fund.
Northe will investigate web site accessibility funding – principally for users who might have access issues.
Following further discussion on the time requirements for training (vis-Ã -vis the web site) it was decided that VNM will appoint Karl Sinfield (in principle and subject to sufficient funding being acquired) to construct the VNM web site.
- Action Plan update:
- Barry reported on his recent visit to the Manchester Locomotive Society archive. He has selected some appropriate (black and white) heritage material and hopes to bring it to the next meeting. The archivist will also search for any colour material pertaining to New Mills Newtown station.
The Archive are happy to quality assure any material that VNM or the Friends of NM Stations might want to use for promotional or informational purposes.
- Beth reported that up to £2000 (donated by ACORPS) was in the ‘Friends of the NM Stations’ bank account and might be used for station Information Boards. There was further discussion on where the two Action Plans (for ‘Friends’ and VNM) meshed. This will be a continually developing issue.
- There was a discussion about the relative tensions between ‘Planning’ and ‘Heritage’ pressures – as exemplified by priorities within Employment Action Zones and Conservation Areas. It is hoped that these issues will become clearer following discussion with Planners. As this meeting is now felt to be of importance Beth will contact Dai Lana and Jean will contact Jo Brookes in order to expedite it.
- Any Other Business:
- Mike reported that the original Walkers are Welcome application had been rejected because of representation issues. Subsequently Geoff Lawton, Nicki Burgess and Janet Pryce had been recruited to the committee. As a result Walkers are Welcome had been accepted as a full member of the wider on-line organisation. They will be holding a launch party soon.
- Beth reported that she had invited the Youth Club Manager to attend a future meeting in order to discuss the current use and potential usages of the Youth Club building.
- Jean brought members attention to the ‘Food Halls’ concept. She had seen one in Ludlow and in Suffolk and felt the idea warranted further investigation.
- Date, time and place of next meeting:
3.30 on Monday 30th September at Jeans’ house.