Minutes – 16 February 2015

Minutes of the meeting of Visit New Mills held on Monday 16th February 2015


  • Present:

Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Northe Slack, Beth Atkins, Jean Fildes


  • Apologies:

Mike Daniels


  • Minutes of the meeting of 12th January:

With the additions: from 4)8)2) Teenage Market “Beth had sent out the link http:/www.hvhptp.org.uk/ to the Facebook page about the teenage markets” and from 8) AOB i) “Beth reported that the last consultation on Childrens’ Centres had been Phase 3 relating only to Chapel. The previous general consultation had now closed” were accepted as a true and correct record.

The amended record of the meeting with Borough Councillors was agreed as correct. The new version will be circulated to all Borough Councillors.


  • Matters Arising:

From 4) Matters, 7) – Contact with DCC. Beth had had a  response from Isobel Mulligan who had suggested that pavements could be treated with slurry sealing.

From 4)8)2) – Teenage market. Jean will contact Esther Jones of High Peak CVS and seek information about the status of community groups.

From 8)i) – OWF. Sean reported on a meeting that he had had with Patty Doran. A response will be awaited.

From 8)ii) – Projector. The funding for the projector had not yet arrived.


  • Finance update

Sean reported that the current balance was £2438.32. Recent income included £1300 from HPBC for Xmas Lights and a donation of £270. All members still had access to the finance site, but Beth had never actually accessed it due to a lost password. It was resolved that Sean will provide ‘refresher’ training on the use of the software at some point in the future if required.

Jean requested that VNM develop a funding strategy so that all members were aware of funding applications. Beth reported on the funding that she was providing for several community projects. She also reported that the projector is being funded from her Leadership Fund. It was agreed that some applications can not wait for the monthly cycle of VNM meetings. Jean suggested that Seans’ original criteria for determining which groups could be funded should be used as the basis for a strategy. Barry will produce a draft funding strategy – which will include a risk assessment protocol referring to grants offered and equipment loaned. This will include a rationale of what the group is applying for.


  • Website update

Sean reported that the website had been live for two weeks. So far it had had 10,511 hits and there were 49 entries on the business directory.


  • Action plan update

Jean suggested that there should be three targets for the next year. She felt that, whilst information, funding and digital targets had been met there had been less success with capital/ physical projects. A discussion took place about the proposed ‘visitor board’ outside Newtown Station – and the issues involved in having it put ‘on the agenda’ of the Borough Council. Beth reported that she had received copies of the town map from Helen Packpahan, had discussed the issue with her but had had no success in getting the Borough to produce a new map. Jean agreed to contact Helen Packpahan about the interpretation panel/ town map issue – especially the history, pricing and sources of supply of them.

Jean agreed that she will meet with Esther Jones and report back.

Barry will discuss the ‘Town Team’ remit with Helen Ball (from Buxton) and report back.


  • Any Other Business
  1. Station Road. Beth reported that Station Road is unadopted and unregistered. She believed that some of the land at Mousley Bottom may be available to acquire from DCC. She was considering writing to residents about the state of Station Road and was searching for a grant.
  2. ii) Northe had read the planning application – and reported a possible issue about bats in one of the buildings on the site. The application claimed to use native, local species for the replanting scheme – but the specification did not bear this out.

Jean produced a copy of the application and a discussion took place about traffic issues and road alterations. It was resolved that a group response to the application was not appropriate and members will respond as individuals.


  • Date of next meeting

Monday 9th March 2015 from 3.00 until 5.00 at Jeans’.

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