Minutes of the meeting of Visit New Mills held on 14th December 2015
1) Present:
Barry Bate, Northe Slack, Mike Daniels, Beth Atkins, Sean Whewell
2) Apologies:
3) Minutes of the meeting of 09/03/2015:
With corrections to two parts of item 8) AOB – i) Northe had raised the question of joint hosting with Spring Bank Arts and ii) the parking issues were on High Street, Union Street and Market Street – were accepted as a true and correct record.
4) Matters Arising:
From 4)6) – Membership. Barry read out the ‘event description’ and person specifications that he had created concerning membership of the group. Discussion took place about how to recruit a sixth member of VNM. Mike wanted to spend some time on how we might interview and induct potential members. Beth reported that she had not had a reply from Nicola (at DCC) and will pursue the matter with her. The discussion turned to 1) ‘headhunting’ individuals who could join the group to help with all aspects of its’ work and 2) recruiting individuals who might help to run specific events at different times of the year.
It was agreed that: i) Sean will approach Jan Smith and ask her if she would join VNM in order to help run the Carnival, ii) Barry will approach Margaret Ritchie to see if she might join the main VNM group and iii) Northe will create an ‘exemplar’ (under the ‘Constitution’ heading) and an additional page on the website with a ‘How to get involved’ tab.
From 4)8) – Mousley Bottom. Beth currently had nothing more to report on this.
From 4)8) – New Mills Carnival. Sean reported that he had been party to a discussion about the possibility of VNM taking over the running of the Carnival. The Carnival group (who currently have £1200 in their bank account) are happy with this suggestion. Sean introduced the notion of the good cause being ‘upgrading’ work at New Mills Juniors changing rooms. Following further discussion it was agreed that VNM is happy to take over the running of the Carnival.
From 8) – Spring Bank Arts Centre. Northe has pursued this issue and is awaiting a reply.
From 8) – Parking issues. It was agreed that there is an issue about the ‘parameters’ of car parking in the town. Many traders are unhappy – but only about certain aspects of the enforcement. It was agreed that parking signage was inadequate and that there was actually lots of parking available in and around town – the main issue is to get people to use it. Sean suggested that much larger ‘Car Parking’ notices should be put on the ‘How to get here’ pages of the website – especially the town plan. Northe agreed to look at the information available form the Borough Council about parking.
5) Correspondence
Sean reported that VNM had received ‘Thank you’ letters from the British Legion, Helping Hands, Thornsett Primary School and Hague Bar Primary School for donations from the pub quizzes.
6) Finance Update
Sean reported that, so far, £5834.47 had been donated to group from pub quizzes. There is one more quiz left to be held this year. Sean will then compile an ‘end of year’ report.
The current account is in credit by £1455.12. All bills have been paid and VNM is only awaiting £300 (from NMTC from the Bonfire Collection).
7) Web Site Update
It was agreed that more ‘content’ was needed urgently for the website. Mike agreed to work on some additional ‘Walkers are Welcome’ information. Barry will talk to Steve Lewis about input from NM Parks Department – especially concerning the returned Hague Bar site.
8) Action Plan Update
Mike reported on the new format for the Action Plan that he had circulated. It was agreed that this was more suitable for the way that the Plan might be used.
Sean will send a list of everything that VNM has acquired in the last two years to be added into the Plan.
9) Any Other Business
- a) It was agreed that the AGM should be held in January.
- b) Beth will circulate the recent report on the 20 m.p.h. limit proposal at Bankend.
- c) The issue of distributing information to local hotels (for the use of visitors) was discussed. An idea was put forward about producing a ‘VNM leaflet’ for distribution. Beth agreed to circulate information.
10) Date of Next Meeting
(AGM) 11th January 2016 at 1.00 at New Mills Heritage and Information Centre