Minutes – 13 November 2015

Minutes of the meeting of Visit New Mills held on 13th November 2015


1)  Present:

Barry Bate, Northe Slack, Beth Atkins, Sean Whewell, Mike Daniels


2)  Apologies:



3)  Minutes of the meeting of 09/10/2015:

Were accepted as a true and correct record.


4)  Matters Arising:

From 4)6) – Derbyshire Foundation Evaluation System. This was item was postponed until a later date.

From 4)6) – Membership. Barry had not been able to write the job descriptions for ‘additional’ members. Beth reported that she had a DCC contact whose job was to recruit volunteers to run the Derbyshire Passport scheme. Beth will liaise with her (Nicola Bruce). Beth also reported concerns about cuts to the Youth Service and the need to encourage volunteering. She reported that Nicola might be able to arrange training for people to help with this.

From 8) – Mouseley Bottom. Beth will follow up on this issue and obtain more information.

From 8) – New Mills Carnival. It was reported that Richard and Hazel Body wished to continue as volunteers with the Carnival Committee – but not as executive members. There had been a suggestion that VNM might take over the running of the Carnival. However, Sean felt that a separate Committee would be needed. It was agreed to advertise for a sub-committee to manage the Carnival. Barry will write an ‘event description’ and person specifications for distribution and discussion.


5)     Correspondence

Sean reported that ‘Thank You’ correspondence had been received from Tony Lawtton (British Legion), Hague Bar Primary and Thornsett Primary for their income from the Quizzes.


6) Finance Update

Sean reported that the current account was £1823.30 in credit. VNM is currently owed £433.00 and owes £870.00. An income of £1,100.00 was expected next week – mainly an HPBC donation towards the Christmas Lights Switch On.

VNM has recently purchased 256 ‘New Mills’ mugs and two ‘heavy’ gazebos for outside events.

VNM now has an account with Juice Graphics.


8) Web Site Update

It was reported that there were now 4918 Users and in the last 90 days there had been 11191 unique views. There were currently 65 entries in the Business Directory.


9) Action Plan Update

Mike distributed copies of the current Action Plan. He felt that the current Plan was not fit for purpose and wanted to refine it – principally agreeing that completed Actions should be on a separate set of tabs. He felt that the Plan needed a number of ‘new’ events/ projects recording on it. He will do this – concentrating on Community Projects.


8) Any Other Business

Sean reported on an email from Tony Lawton asking if any organisation could take on the annual Poppy Collection in New Mills. It was suggested that this could be another sub-group of VNM. It was agreed that Tony will be invited to a future meeting to discuss what work is involved in the collection.

Northe reported that the latest Music Train had been a successful event – with Stockport Ukulele Band as the artists.

It was reported that Spring Bank Arts had made a request to jointly host on the facebook page. Northe will send a follow-up email. Mike expressed his wish for VNM and SBA to undertake more joint working. This was agreed.

It was reported that parking issues had recently arisen on Meal Street and Market Street. It was felt that the one hour limit posed particular problems for local shopowners.


9) Date of Next Meeting

10.30 on Monday 14th December at NMHIC.

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