Minutes – 13 January 2014

Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills held on 13th January 2014



This abridged business meeting followed immediately on from the one held between Visit New Mills and invited High Peak Borough Councillors. The notes of that meeting are attached as Appendix A. Items not considered but on the Agenda for the proposed business meeting today will be deferred until the next meeting.


  • Present:

Barry Bate, Northe Slack, Sean Whewell, Mike Daniels, Beth Atkins, Jean Fildes


  • Apologies:



  • Minutes of the Meeting of 06/12/2013:

Was not considered.


  • Matters arising:

Was not considered.


  • Finance Update:

Sean reported that the balance stood at £841.07 in credit. One outgoing (of £20.00) needed to be paid – leaving a current balance of £821.07.

Beth felt that we should aim for a February start date with the web site as Greenbank Trust are happy to meet the original quote, but want to see some form (about 10%) of match funding being employed.

Sean reminded members that Derbyshire Community Foundation will next meet to consider our application on 21st January.


  • Web Site Update:

Was not considered.


  • Action Plan update:

Was not considered.


  • Forthcoming marketing for New Mills Festival

Barry distributed copies of the email from Lyn Bannister which had raised this item.

Sean explained the technical background to how the images are used on the VNM Facebook page.

Northe expressed concern that some people seemed not to understand that VNM was a promoter and not an organiser. VNM had no need to promote itself other than through its’ own actions.

Barry felt that we needed to communicate with the Festival Committee about what were their concerns.

Sean said that VNM needed to continue promoting all events in the same way and that all postings do and will always contain a hyperlink to the originator of the event if the originator has a web presence. It was decided that Barry will formulate a proposed email to all members of the Festival Committee inviting them to a meeting (to be arranged) with all members of VNM so that any issues can be discussed and resolved. He will circulate this to VNM members for ratification.


  • Any Other Business:

A question had been raised (in email correspondence) about whether members should respond individually or as a group to the Local Plan. It was resolved to make a response as a group. To effect this the next meeting of VNM will take place at 11.00 on Monday 3rd February at the Heritage Centre. All outstanding items of business (above) will be considered and an additional Agenda item will be ‘Response to the Local Plan’. To expedite that response Sean will register the group on the website so that the response can be despatched as quickly as possible.


  • Date, time and place of next meeting:

11.00 on Monday 3rd February at the Heritage Centre.

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