Minutes of the meeting of Visit New Mills held on 13th April 2015
1) Present:
Barry Bate, Northe Slack, Mike Daniels, Beth Atkins
2) Apologies:
Sean Whewell
3) Minutes of the meeting of 09/03/2015:
Were accepted as a true and correct record.
4) Matters Arising:
From 4)8)i) – OWF. VNM are still awaiting a reply from the One World Festival group. Northe reported that a music train had been arranged for that day. Mike reported that Marple 150 and Walkers are Welcome are organising a walk from Marple Station to New Mills Central Station on that day.
{At this point Dai Larner joined the meeting. The report of that meeting is attached as an annex.}
From 4)5) – Derbyshire Foundation Evaluation system. It was agreed that more discussion was needed on HOW VNM might employ this system. It was agreed that this will be a future agenda item.
From 4)4) – Action Plan, Town Teams. Barry reported that Jean Ball had made an offer to meet with VNM if the group felt that this would be useful.
From 7) – Action Plan, HPBC funding request. It was agreed to leave discussion on this item until Sean was in attendance.
From 8)i) – AOB, Festival Committee and flags. Barry reported that he had had discussions with the Festival Group and they had now handed the ‘flags’ project over to VNM.
5) Finance Update
Sean had sent a report. The current account was currently in credit by £4,030.73. This excludes amounts committed but not yet received at the bank. An outstanding amount (£5.80) had been paid to Walkers are Welcome as they now have their own bank account.
Recent income included: £1,000 from Derbyshire Foundation (decision pending 20th April); £50 from web site articles; £500 committed by NMTC; £1,400.00 from HPBC (via NMF for New Mills flags); £200.00 committed by OWF for New Mills flags; £200 committed by Carnival for New Mills flags; £500 committed by DCC for New Mills 150 festival; £946 donated so far from first six VNM Quiz Nights to local charities/ groups.
These six were: Hare and Hounds (05/03/15) £210 to Marple Cancer Charities, Royal Oak (12/03/15) £150 to Blythe House, The Beehive (19/03/15) £121 to New Mills Juniors, Pride of the Peaks (26/03/15) £94 to One World Festival, Hare and Hounds (02/04/15) £270 to MS Society, The Queens (09/04/15) £101 to New Mills Carnival.
6) Web Site Update
There had been 20,700 page views in the past 90 days. There are currently 6,080 users. The business directory has 59 businesses registered.
Beth expressed some concern about the way that certain organisations were using the VNM web site. Following discussion it was agreed that Northe and Sean will discuss the possibility of making other members of the group administrators of the Facebook site.
7) Action Plan Update
It was agreed that there was currently no time to discuss this matter adequately. Nominations for potential replacement members of VNM should be sent to Barry as soon as possible. This matter will be discussed at a future meeting.
8) Any Other Business
There was no any other business.
9) Date of Next Meeting
3.00 on Monday 11th May at Mike Daniels’ house.