Minutes of the meeting of Visit New Mills held on 11th May 2015
1) Present:
Barry Bate, Northe Slack, Mike Daniels, Beth Atkins, Sean Whewell
2) Apologies:
3) Minutes of the meeting of 09/03/2015:
Were accepted as a true and correct record. The record of the meeting with Dai Larner was not considered as he had not yet had the opportunity to comment on its’ accuracy.
4) Matters Arising:
From 4)8)i) – OWF. Sean reported that there was now a good dialogue in existence between OWF and VNM. Some assistance had been offered to help OWF access resources and to help the group become more sustainable.
From 4)5) – Derbyshire Foundation Evaluation system. Following discussion it was agreed that the original intention in utilising this particular evaluation was to create a simple system of prior-evaluation for every group that VNM worked with. This would form a cumulative list of ‘competent’ groups that are effective in their work. It was agree that Sean will bring a copy of the evaluation to the next meeting for discussion.
From 7) – Action Plan, HPBC funding request. Sean reported on the principal current sources of funding for VNM – especially HPBC. VNM currently holds two large amounts (about £1400 each) for specific projects – the Xmas Lights and the Flags. Mike pointed out that the vast majority of VNM funds were already ‘earmarked’ for particular purposes. Following a discussion about the history of the flags project it was agreed that VNM will seek to complete the project with a maximum fund of £3k for 100 ‘units’ (flags and poles). It was also agreed that these should be deemed ‘Town Assets’ and NMTC will be asked to provide safe storage for them.
Review. Following questions raised about working relationships between VNM and other organisations members decided to hold a brief review of their current promotional work and to draw up a set of statements about what work it does, how it does that work and within what timescales.
- VNM is a transmitter of information, not a creator.
- VNM reserves the right to edit information sent to it by others before transmission in order to ensure that no offence is caused.
- VNM transmits information in a chronological order across short time-frames. Information will be processed once only and not on a repeated basis in multiple formats.
- VNM is run entirely by volunteers. As such it has a limited resource base. It operates from a basis of equity and non-political equal access to resources for all community groups. It reserves the right to refuse service if any group is attempting to monopolise the resources of VNM.
5) Finance Update
Sean reported that the Pub Quizzes had so far raised over £1400. Mike proposed that thanks be sent to the originators of the idea. Sean will supply a list for Barry to send the thanks.
The current account is in credit by £4,939.73.
6) Web Site Update
There had been 22,040 page views in the past 90 days. The site has also generated £60 revenue in the last month as a result of three commissioned articles.
It was noted that several other members of the group had recently become administrators of the Facebook site in order to spread the load of work in managing the site.
7) Action Plan Update
It was agreed that the Action Plan will be discussed at the next meeting and a prioritised list of possible activities drawn from it to share with Dai Larner.
8) Any Other Business
After discussion it was decided to continue organising the pub quizzes. Members will discuss with other groups whether they would like to become benefactors of the quizzes.
9) Date of Next Meeting
3.00 on Monday 1st June at Mike Daniels’ house.