Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills held on Monday 11th August 2014
- Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Beth Atkins, Jean Fildes, Northe Slack, Mike Daniels
- Apologies:
- Minutes of the Meeting of 14th July 2014:
As amended
- Note: David Cooper – “with input from Sir Martin Doughty”
- 4) Matters 4)7) – “the email response he had received regarding bike racks from the Chair . . “
- 4) Matters 8)3) – “correspondence with Terry Lane regarding New Mills Marina”
- were accepted as a true and correct record.
- Matters Arising
From 4) Matters arising – 7) Action Plan – draft policy. Barry handed round the information that he had collated re the discussion on the topic within VNM. There followed a discussion on how VNM had arrived at the current situation with regard to planters. Beth about the conversations that she had had with DCC Highways Department and the need for NMTC to take out a licence for items such as planters to occupy space on the public pavement. Beth suggested that some research might be undertaken within the local cycling community. Jean felt that there were a number of strategic stakeholders who needed to be consulted – including Highways Department, local cyclists and local shopkeepers.
It was agreed that Beth would contact DCC Highways Department and ask for their professional advice (in writing) on how to address issues of illegal parking on Union Street. Barry will send a ‘holding’ email to Cllr Lamb saying that VNM is currently consulting with relevant agencies on the issue.
From 8) 3) – Any Other Business. Barry distributed copies of the letter he had sent to Terry Lane of Pridewater Estates. A response is awaited.
From Note: David Cooper. Jean felt that the summary of the input by David Cooper was very comprehensive. She was concerned about how TVMPT linked to other organisations in the local area. As a member of the Trust Sean outlined some of the current progress of their work.
- Finance Update
Sean reported that the current balance is £1,367.42. Currently VNM owed £350.00 (part of the marketing grant) and was owed £333.50 (payments for the Christmas Lights switch-on).
Community Fund Application. Sean reported that he had applied to the Co-op Community Foundation for new “Road Closed” signs. The question of ownership was raised and the preferred method is to donate them to NMTC and to treat them as “Community Assets/ Town Assets”.
- Website Update
It was reported that Karl had completed the majority of the site but was currently held up by domestic issues. He will be asked to invoice (or part-invoice) for the work in the near future.
- Action Plan Update
Jean distributed copies of the Action Plan. She rehearsed the original idea of VNM working to develop the ‘welcome’ of the town – especially for those arriving at the railway stations. Mike felt that there was an ideal opportunity to move the issue forward as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations of the railway arriving in New Mills. Beth agreed that she will re-visit the idea of murals/ art work projects at the stations. Jean was keen to revisit the idea of attempting to extend the conservation area.
Actions –
- It was agreed to progress action on the issue of information posters/ town maps. Beth will make enquiries about the ownership of the map at Torr Top Car Park. She will consider whether she can fund replicas of this at the New Mills railway stations.
- Jean agreed to re-contact the HPBC councillors who had not yet replied to her and attempt to re-start the discussion on moving the boundary of the conservation area. She mentioned possible grant applications (to HLF) and how they might help initiatives to be taken.
- VNM agreed to become more involved in the Railway 150 celebrations and the on-going development of the railway station. This work will be undertaken jointly with the railway group at Marple.
- It was agreed that the ‘digital’ work of VNM had been a great success so far. The inauguration of the website was eagerly anticipated. Some input to the content of the site is about to begin.
- It was felt that the community projects aspect of VNMs’ work was also developing well. It was agreed that Sean will draw up a set of criteria against which groups will/ will not be supported and this will be discussed by VNM.
- As part of the community projects it was reported that 2 bushcraft events have taken place and 2 more are planned. Beth will financially support the two planned events.
- It was agreed that Jean will update the Plan and circulate it to members. VNM will periodically re-visit and re-evaluate the Action Plan.
- Any Other Business
- Sean raised the issue of the Railway 150 celebrations and the need for ideas of how to embellish those celebrations..
- Sean reported on the proposed Torrs Youth Festival on 20th September near Torrs Hydro. The event will include live music, agency stalls, the DCC climbing wall, etc..
- Beth reported on the health services consultation currently taking place in Stockport. She felt that this may have an effect on some of the services that are delivered in the New Mills area.
9) Date of next meeting
Monday 8th September from 3.00 until 5.00 at Seans’.