Oh My Dogs Dog Training & Solo Walks

Specialising in gundogs
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Positive reinforcement based dog training for all breeds and ages. Also offers solo dog walking services.
Hayfield Road, Birch Vale
Long Description

Dog training perfect for harnessing man’s best friends natural instincts and building obedience in a fun and exciting way. We’ll build your bond and trust with your canine companion all while teaching them crucial manners and obedience skills.
We train outside in the real world with the distraction of the environment rather than in a barn, village hall or other indoor venue where you so that you learn to apply your training to the distractions of daily life.
We offer 1-1 sessions as well as classes for every breed and age of dog as well as every level of training from complete newbies to seasoned dog owners and everything in between.
Our solo walks are tailored to the individual dog and owners needs, fire away with your specific questions or requests - no question is too silly!

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