Hello, my name is Katarina (Katarzyna Jablonska) and I work full time as energy healer and teacher. I teach all levels of Reiki, Essenian Healing modalities and Course in Creation - intuitive healing development. The Essenian Healing modalities work deeply in our electro-magnetic energy fields, locating core problems and making lasting noticeable changes. We can reduce/re-verse or neutralise a wide range of physical, emotional, mental problems, diseases and discomforts, (Childhood) trauma, addictions, especially when other holistic healing or medical treatments didn't help (enough). Which treatment or treatments are needed depends on each of us individually, they can bring an immediate feeling of release and relaxation, or unfold the healing effects over time.
Reiki treatments work best as block bookings if we want to work on specific problem, but single sessions can also bring relief, relaxation and a sense of wellbeing.
Reiki Initiation courses bring our vibration and consciousness higher, in my Reiki line already on level 1 we become trained practitioners ready to work professionally.
Course in Creation is a unique self-development training for all new to holistic world and those experienced ones too. It balances our female and male energies, raises our vibration, offers wonderful activities and exercises, grows our intuition very quickly, and help us discover our true potential, unknown gifts and talents.
I work locally at my healing studio (Newtown) and occasionally at the New Mills Alternative Health Clinic and also offer a mobile service if needed.
Feel free to contact me directly for further information or to book.
ENERGY HEALING TRAINING AND TREATMENTS (Essenian Healing, Reiki, Intuitive Healing Development, Life-changing Coaching)
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Experienced Essenian and Reiki Master/Teacher offering training, personal healing and self-development programme.
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