New Mills Youth and Community Project has been set up to benefit the community by helping to tackle a range of local social and environmental issues.
As a Community Interest Company the Project applies for funding in order to invest in New Mills by facilitating a range of affordable and accessible activities and initiatives for all members of the community.
We work in a number of different ways to promote and support the health and wellbeing of local people, as well as investing in our surroundings and caring for our environment.
Our project will deliver a ‘Out of school support programme’ for children aged Reception to Year 11 which will consist of activities, resources and sustenance for children during half-term holidays.
Also with the community’s youth in mind, a series of seminars will be held where a guest speaker will advise our youth groups about transitioning into adult life, with a focus on paying bills, dealing with rent / mortgage responsibilities and necessary insurances etc.
For new parents and families, a series of first aid classes will be held, plus there will be a fund to help provide key domestic items where needed. We will aim to provide Slow Cookers, Food Processors / Blenders and recipe cards so families are better equipped to be able to produce their own home-cooked meals and baby foods etc.
Our Project has initiatives planned to support and assist elderly residents too, such as a ‘Falls Prevention’ programme we are working on, inter-generational initiatives and social coffee mornings with activities.
Our Community Pantry is now open - an accessible and affordable option for residents of New Mills and surrounding areas, to help alleviate the ongoing burden of cost for so many families and individuals.
Plus much more!