Minutes 28 November 2018

Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills

1 Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Zena Aris-Sutton

2 Apologies:
Norths Slack, Jan Smith, Beth Atkins

3 Minutes of 05/10/2018:
The Minutes of the meeting of 05/10/2018 were accepted as a true and correct record.

4 Matters Arising (not already on the Agenda)
Sean reported that the grant for a P.A. system to enhance the weekly Quizit events had been received and would be used during the January sales.
Jan reported that she had created another post about “Easyfunding.org” on the VNM Facebook page. There are currently 25 members and the scheme has raised £103.
Beth had reported that she had contacted the appropriate officer within DCC. She will be asked for an update as soon as possible. VNM has also made contact with Sarah Roe (Sustrans) and will continue talking to her.
The Millennium Walkway is still closed and the area being investigated.

5 Membership
It was confirmed that Zena is now a member of the group. VNM will continue to seek active members.

6 Correspondence:
Whitehall Outdoor Centre had informed VNM of the ‘Peoples History of Whitehall’ project and the links that they were developing to New Mills schools.
New Mills and District Round Table will provide a sleigh for the Xmas Lights Switch On, and have asked to work more closely with VNM in the future.
Gordon Stewart has asked for help in promoting his Christmas events – VNM will respond to this.
Peter Millard and the 1st New Mills Scouts will provide assistance at the Switch On.
Derbyshire Open Arts have asked VNM to help with future publicity.

7 Finance Update:
The current bank balance is £1347.16.00 in credit – but more income is still due from the Lights Switch On event.
The most recent Quizits have been: £147 – Lights Switch On, £195 – Royal British Legion, £386 – Pancreatic Cancer UK, £161 – Xmas tree on prom, £161 – Sorrel Oliver, £144 – Volunteers Centre.
£728 had been spent on festoon lighting for Union Road

8 Web Site Update:

Sean reported that the Facebook page currently had 54,103 users and had had 158,774 page views. The Facebook membership was 7,797, Twitter membership 1795 and Instagram 1053.

9 Xmas Lights Switch On:
All licences and permissions are in place (including a formal premises licence. First Aid, volunteer and road closures are arranged. There is an issue concerning the £25 licence fee for traders’ consent which has significantly reduced the number of market stalls. There is also a string of lighting which is currently not working properly.

10 Any Other Business:
a) Jan reported that she is investigating a number of external funding options.
b) A ‘Thank you’ had been received from the Royal British Legion for the decoration of the town and the fund raising associated with Remembrance Sunday.
c) It was noted that new flags will be needed before next years’ Carnival.

11 Date, time and place of next meeting:
10.00 on Saturday 12th January 10.00 at Jan’s

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