Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills held on 28/03/2017
1 Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Northe Slack, Beth Atkins, Mike Daniels
2 Apologies:
Jan Smith
3 Minutes of 25/02/2016:
were accepted as a true and correct record
4 Matters Arising (not already on the Agenda)
From 4)4)8) – New Mills Juniors: It was agreed that this item was now closed
From 4)9)f) – Community Assets: it was noted that VNM and the Festival group have decided to hold a joint meeting to discuss assets – the proposed dates being Tuesday 4th or Saturday 8th both at 2.00 at the Beehive
From 9) – Carnival Donation: Northe now has the money in her possession – it is £13.25, but in old money. She will ask the Bank about crediting it.
5 Correspondence
There was currently no correspondence.
6 Finance Update
Sean reported that there was currently £1864.71 in the bank (it was noted that this was now beginning to include Carnival monies). Recent Quizits have raised £203.00 (New Mills Community Centre), £153.00 (St George’s Church), £128.00 (New Mills Carnival) and £128.00 (New Mills Foodbank).
7 Web Site Update
Figures were not currently available.
8 Action Plan Update
Mike reported that he had not been able to make progress on this item.
9 Resignation of Mike Daniels
Mike stated that the pressure of work and personal illness has meant that he could not continue with VNM. He will remain as part of the group until a suitable replacement is found and a proper handover effected. Sean asked all other members to come back to the next meeting with suggestions for a strategy to recruit new members.
10 Any Other Business
Carnival. Sean reported that planning for the Carnival was well underway. It would be a similar size to last year and use of the Rec had been approved by New Mills Town Council.
20 is plenty. Beth reported that she now has the bin stickers and the flyers. These will be tried along Church Road. She may also try flyers in High Hill Road.
Changes to bus times. Mike reported that the new 60 route has been well received by passengers.
Heritage Centre. Mike reported that the Centre now had it’s new design tea towels to sell.
Local History Society Talk. Mike reported that the talk in May would be “Lost pubs of New Mills”.
Derbyshire Marketing Organisation. Beth reported on the development of this initiative by Derbyshire County Council.
11 Date, time and place of next meeting
Saturday 3rd June at 2.00 at Sean’s (rescheduled to 1 Auguest due to Seans unavailability)