Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills
1 Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Beth Atkins, Jan Smith
2 Apologies:
Northe Slack
3 Minutes of 09/07/2018:
The Minutes of the meeting of 09/07/2018 were accepted as a true and correct record.
4 Matters Arising (not already on the Agenda)
Sean reported that a grant application of £500 had been made for a P.A. system to enhance the weekly Quizit events.
Jan reported on the reference to “Easyfunding.org” on the VNM Facebook page. She will create another promotion in about a month’s time.
Sean reported that the Torrs Youth Festival had taken place on 4th August and had been a successful day. Plans are underway to repeat it next year.
5 Correspondence:
NMF – and insurance. A discussion took place about New Mills Festival offer to join the insurances to cover all annual events. It was decided to write back to NMF declining their offer. Barry will compose a letter and circulate to members for their approval.
Thank You’s. ‘Thank you’ letters had been received from the Billerettes (for their Carnival donation) and from the British Legion and Kinder Mountain Rescue for their dontions
6 Finance Update:
The current bank balance is £2274.89 in credit.
The most recent Quizits have been: New Mills Band – £104, Army Cadets – £150, New Mills Scouts – £146, Children’s Cookery Lessons – £186, Spring Bank Arts – £121.17, Torrs Youth Festival – £102.
7 Web Site Update:
Sean reported that the Facebook page currently had 47,970 users and had had 159,681 page views.
8 Cycle Friendly Streets:
Beth reported that she had met with Isobel Mulligan (DCC – Highways) to consider possible changes to parking in the Town. Beth will check whether Alisons report has been sent to Isobel.
9 Millenium Walkway:
A letter of thanks had been received from Mr Page concerning the new memorial bench. VNM worked with NMTC to facilitate the installation of the bench and are very happy with the outcome.
10 Any Other Business:
a) Tony Ashton has arranged a grant for VNM to provide Union Jacks to line Union Road and Market Street during the Remembrance events this year.
b) VNM has held a Quizit in order to provide 48 free places at the Kids Cookery Lessons – provided by Kinder Cooking – on 14th, 21st and 28th August. The sessions were held at St Georges Parish Hall – who gave the facility for free.
c) 3 planters with flowers and 6 planters with herbs have been installed by Incredible Edible at Central Railway Station.
11 Date, time and place of next meeting:
10.00 on Monday 28th September 2018 at Sean’s.