Minutes of the meeting of Visit New Mills held on 23rd May 2016
1) Present:
Barry Bate, Northe Slack, Mike Daniels, Beth Atkins
2) Apologies:
Sean, Jan
3) Minutes of the meeting of 25/04/2016:
were accepted as a true and correct record.
4) Matters Arising:
From 4)8) – Mousley Bottom. Beth confirmed that she had written to the new officer.
From 4)8) – New Mills Juniors. VNM are still awaiting a reply from the football club. Beth will send a repeat email.
From 11) – AOB, Thank you letter. With the correction of a capital M in New Mills – the letter was accepted for future use.
From 9) – AOB, Car Parking. Northe had attended a meeting where the Chair of HPBC had claimed that New Mills was the only town in High Peak where HPBC made a financial loss on car parking. It appears that HPBC will go ahead with their plans for parking charges.
5) Correspondence
Timelapse Project – Barry reported that the Festival will promote this project. There will be a display in the Heritage Centre during the two weeks of the Festival.
6) Finance Update
Sean had forwarded a report. Beth felt that a vote of thanks was due to all fund raisers. Barry reported on an application letter for a £300 grant to NMTC.
7) Web Site Update
Current number of Users – 26,483. Individual views – 70,515. Number of businesses in directory – 71. Northe reported that she had just uploaded the information for the Adult Education Centre.
8) Action Plan Update
Mike reported that he had distributed a copy of the current Action Plan and is still working on its’ compilation.
9) Any Other Business
a) Carnival – It was reported that planning was progressing well and all events are booked in. The next scarecrow workshop is on Saturday at St Georges’ Hall.
b) Bella Hardy – This had been a very successful event – with over 160 tickets being sold. The only problem was that the event had sold out of beer.
c) Model Railway Exhibition – All planning is complete and the event is ready to go.
d) Litter Picking – Northe reported on developments with regard to organised litter picking in the town. A future Quizit will be held to support the work of the Litter Picking Group.
e) New Mills Youth Centre – Beth is still awaiting further information.
f) Community Assets – Barry proposed that VNM should create a ‘community assets’ list and then propose a process for their use and storage.
g) Ollersett Trim Trails – Beth proposed that VNM should give some consideration to how monies had been used for projects in lower super output areas around the town.
h) 20 m.p.h. speed limits – Beth asked for a future discussion about potential 20 m.p.h. areas around town.
j) Wayfarers – Mike was concerned about High Peak Buses and other companies refusing to accept Wayfarer tickets on certain routes. There was a brief discussion about a possible letter to H.P.B.
k) New Mills High School Sixth Form – a discussion about the Schools’ proposal to cease offering a Sixth Form took place. It was agreed that VNM would not support any campaign either for/against, but would be happy to post dates of meetings/ factual information, etc..
l) Pridewater – Beth reported on a letter from Pridewater concerning access issues.
10) Date of Next Meeting
Monday 27th June at 2.00pm