Minutes of the third Annual General Meeting of Visit New Mills
held on Monday 20th November 2017
1) Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Beth Atkins, Jan Smith
2) Apologies:
Northe Slack
3) Notes from the second Annual General Meeting of 22/01/2016:
were accepted as a true record of the meeting.
4) Reports and Accounts:
Sean wishes to note that in the last year VNM has taken on responsibility for New Mills Carnival and will henceforth report on this at appropriate VNM meetings.
It was noted that this years’ New Mills Christmas Lights Switch On will take place on Saturday 25th November at 6.30.
As a result of Quizit and other income during the financial year 2016/17 VNM had made donations of £9473.21.
VNM had arranged a variety of events (mainly music) in various venues. It had also supported the Royal British Legion in its’ Poppy Collection and the ’20 is plenty’ campaign.
Since the last AGM there have been General Meetings on 24/02/16, 30/03/16, 25/04/16, 23/05/16, 27/06/16, 15/08/16, 01/10/16, 03/12/16, 25/02/17, 28/03/17, 01/08/17 and 16/09/17.
Since the last AGM the majority of communications have been with High Peak Borough Council (mainly Licencing Department), New Mills Town Council and Derbyshire Foundation.
VNM has continued with its’ campaign to supply festoon lighting for community events throughout the Town. VNM has also endeavoured to support local businesses in all its’ dealings.
5) Membership and Election of Officers for the forthcoming year:
In the last 18 months Jan Smith has joined VNM and Mike Daniels has left.
Barry was elected as Secretary.
Sean was elected as Treasurer.
Beth was elected as an Officer.
Jan was elected as an Officer.
Northe was elected as an Officer.
Date of next meeting:
The fourth Annual General Meeting will take place on Monday 24th September 2018 at 2.00 pm.