Minutes 13 April 2019

Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills

1 Present:
Sean Whewell, Zena Aris-Sutton, Jan Smith, Beth Atkins, Northe Slack

2 Apologies:
Barry Bate

3 Minutes of 09/03/2019:
The Minutes of the meeting of 09/03/2019 were accepted as a true and correct record.

4 Matters Arising (not already on the Agenda)
The P.A. system (which can be used for a variety of events) has now been purchased includes Bluetooth, it has been used at its first event Quizit on Thursday 11th April and other community organisations have been informed it can be used.
A Quizit has been held to raise money for the ‘Bike Bags’ – 2 bags have been created, with puncture kits, bike pump, spanner etc, initial locations Sett Valley Café and Pulse Café. All items purchased from Sett Valley Cycles, which will also be included on posters in cafes and on social media to highlight new scheme.
Beth will contact Isobel concerning the proposed bike racks. After discussion about their placement it was decided to recommend to Isobel that a) a number at the ‘steps’ end of the Prom, b) outside Ryans and c) near to the /Sett Valley café would be appropriate. Sean spoke to Shelly (Pride of the Peaks) about possible locations near to the pub, but only location is hidden away and not likely to be utilised.
Action – Sean – to write to NMTC and ask when bike racks being replaced from near heritage centre.

5 Correspondence:
Thank you card received from Dove Holes Cat sanctuary regarding funds raised from Quizit.
VNM has received correspondence from the Swizzels agreeing to part fund the replacement flags for town, as well as some funding for carnival and Youth Festival.
We have responded to Helen Pakpahan regarding Three Towns project.

6 Finance Update:
The current bank balance is £2118.50 in credit. This includes some Carnival bookings.
The most recent Quizits have been: £155 – Art Theatre, £118 – Walkers are Welcome, £155 – Film Festival, £ 112 – Rowarth Rovers.
Major outgoings have been £125 to Lithaprint for New Mills Litter Pick party, PA system purchased £762.99 and Bike Bags Equipment x 2 sets £151.96.

7 Web Site Update:
Sean reported that the Facebook page currently had 59,159 users and had had 160,186 web page views. The Facebook membership was 8057, Twitter membership 1853 and Instagram 1186

8 Any Other Business:
a) Carnival update – Food & drink concessions now are fully booked for food court. Licensing and road closure request are underway
b) Current proposal for a “Three Towns Project”, response given – under correspondence
f) Following original communication (and subsequent reply) from a local shop-keeper about the day on which future ‘Lights Switch On’s’ might take place, it is on going with traders, results from poll on VNM 443 votes 79% prefer Saturday and 21% Sunday.

9 Date, time and place of next meeting:
9.30am on Saturday 18th May at Sean’s

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