Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills
1 Present:
Barry Bate, Jan Smith, Beth Atkins
2 Apologies:
Northe Slack, Sean Whewell
3 Minutes of 20/11/2017:
Were accepted as a true and correct record.
4 Matters Arising (not already on the Agenda)
From 4) – Bike racks/ defibrillators. This work is on-going. Barry has created some images and Beth is creating the map.
From 8) – Licencing. Beth reported that she was still discussing this matter at DCC. Jan will distribute information to VNM members for consideration – and this will be an Agenda item at the next meeting.
From 9)a) – Strategic work for VNM. Consideration of this item will be delayed until the next meeting.
From 9)c) – Water on the Millennium Walkway. Beth will ask if there has been any follow-up work.
5 Correspondence:
No correspondence has been received since the last meeting.
6 Finance Update:
The current bank balance is £1685.31 in credit.
The most recent Quizits have been: Take Part in the Art – £156, town bunting – £116, OAP Hampers – £125.
7 Web Site Update:
Sean had sent a report showing that the Facebook page currently had 65,628 users and had had 164,203 page views. The Business Directory currently had 90 entries. Jan reported that recent web site activity had been very quiet.
8 Christmas Lights Switch On:
Sean had submitted a report. He felt that the evening had been very successful. The usual format of market, fair, music and dancing had provided a busy night for all local businesses. All road closures and openings had taken place as planned. These had been followed by a ‘deep clean’ litter pick with the help of Transition New Mills. A very large number of plastic bottles had been recycled and, in future, VNM will insist that food traders use only biodegradable packaging at VNM events.
9 Any Other Business:
a) Beth reported on the issue of funding for cadet uniforms. It was agreed that VNM will act as the ‘manager’ for these funds as the uniforms are acquired.
b) Beth reported on the recent promotion of the Foodbank at Sainsbury’s. The hampers were now ready to be distributed. The MAT team will be advising on any new needs.
10 Date, time and place of next meeting:
12.00 0n Monday 29th January 2018 at Jan’s.