Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills
1 Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Beth Atkins, Jan Smith
2 Apologies:
Northe Slack
3 Minutes of 24/08/2018:
The Minutes of the meeting of 24/08/2018 were accepted as a true and correct record.
4 Matters Arising (not already on the Agenda)
Sean reported that the grant application of £500 for a P.A. system to enhance the weekly Quizit events had been received. The system will be purchased in the next few weeks and will be available for events other than Quizits.
Jan reported that she will create another post concerning “Easyfunding.org” on the VNM Facebook page soon.
5 Correspondence:
Ongoing correspondence with Rebecca Timperley (North Division Licencing Officer) was reported. Sean and Jan have submitted a draft premises licence for the Lights Switch On.
Sean has been in communication with Bannerbox concerning the Union Jack flags and will confirm that the current artwork is correct.
6 Finance Update:
The current bank balance is £2586.00 in credit – including some income from the Lights Switch On market stalls and programme.
The most recent Quizits have been: £172 – P.A. system, £101 – New Mills Festival, £160 – St Georges Hall, £184 – New Mills Heritage Centre, £186 – Cookery lessons.
7 Web Site Update:
Sean reported that the Facebook page currently had 50,619 users and had had 160,098 page views. The Facebook membership was 7,683.
8 Cycle Friendly Streets:
Beth suggested that cycle racks could be supplied by DCC. Alison (the report author) will be asked to suggest a ‘priority list’ for actions arising from her report. Quizits will be run to fund “Emergency bike repair kits” for each café in New Mills.
9 Any Other Business:
a) Sean reported that HPBC had invoiced for trader licences for the Youth Festival and these had been paid.
b) Beth reported that work on St Mary’s Road will begin soon to examine problems with sewage/ rain water issues on the Millennium Walkway.
c) Sean reported that there will be an Xmas tree on the Prom for the Christmas Market on 1st December.
10 Date, time and place of next meeting:
10.00 on Friday 2nd November 2018 at Sean’s.