Minutes of the Meeting of Visit New Mills held on
1 Present:
Barry Bate, Sean Whewell, Northe Slack, Jan Smith
2 Apologies:
Beth Atkins
3 Minutes of 28/03/2017:
were accepted as a true and correct record
4 Matters Arising (not already on the Agenda)
From 4)9)f) – Community Assets: it was noted that all community assets are now held in several secure locations. This issue is now resolved and VNM thanks all those involved in that resolution.
From 9) – Carnival Donation: Northe reported that the money had now been paid in.
From 10) – Carnival 2017. Sean handed around a profit and loss statement for the 2017 Carnival and reported that the event had made a profit of £1442.29. This sum remains as the ‘kitty’ for future Carnivals. It was noted that one of the significant expenses this year had been the provision of toilets (£324) and Jan suggested that this might be sponsored in future years. It was felt that the event had a great success again – with the bucket collection resulting in £1169.29 being received.
5 Correspondence
Sean reported that VNM had received a ‘Thank you’ from C.A.B. for the impending quiz and from N.M. Arts, Play New Mills and British Legion Hayfield for their respective quizzes. Stockport Ukulele Players had also sent a ‘Thank you’ for their invitation to play at the 2017 Carnival.
Northe wishes to note her thanks to Spring Bank Arts for their help with staging and for the voluntary effort with the Evie Ladin concert.
6 Finance Update
Sean reported that the Evie Ladin concert had made a net profit of £9.88. This event had been a fund-raiser for the Carnival.
He reported that the Model Railway Exhibition had lost £157.85. It was agree that Sean should contact the Society and begin a conversation with them about suitable venues for next year.
Sean reported that there was currently £2504.55 in the bank. Recent Quizits have raised £140 (New Mills Tennis Juniors), £218.16 (New Mills Art Theatre), £135 (New Mills Arts), £161.50 (Thornsett Band), £154 (??? Light), £176 (New Mills Carnival, £91 (New Mills Women’s Group), £128 (New Mills Band, £103 (Friends of New Mills Parks and £128 (Event Litter Bins).
VNM has also additionally donated £585 to Friends of New Mills Parks to pay for imminent planning permission.
7 Web Site Update
The current number of Users is 54,702. Last month’s Page Views were 139,520.
8 Xmas Lights Switch On
There was discussion about the licencing that would be needed for the 2017 event. It was agreed that there was a need to review all of the licencing agreements (as now available from the HPBC website). Jan will do this. VNM will then ask for a discussion with Lynn and Rob.
9 Union Road Festoon Lighting
Sean reported that VNM had received funding from Borough and County Councillors in order to put festoon lighting on ONE side of Union Road. No reply had yet been received from Betfred.
Sean gad contacted Jo Brookes (Conservation Officer) about the style of the brackets and was awaiting a definitive reply. He was also awaiting a reply about the bracket fixing.
10 Action Plan Update
It was agreed that this will be an agenda item at a future meeting.
11 Replacement of Mike Daniels
A discussion took place about how to recruit for the space that Mike had left. Sean will write an item for the website and the Facebook page, but will circulate it to members first for their comments.
12 Any Other Business
Jan reported that she had a New Mills flag and pole in her possession and wished to pass it on to someone else.
Sean reported that the bike rack on the Prom seemed to have disappeared. It was agreed to investigate who had owned the rack and to review where other racks were in the Town.
Sean reported that he had talked to traders at the Indoor Market about refurbishing the entrance to the Market. The landlord had agreed to match fund a ‘facelift’ but it was not possible to work out how one could be arrived at.
11 Date, time and place of next meeting
Saturday 2nd September at 10.00 at Sean’s