Meeting Minutes on 23rd January 2023

  1. Present: Sean Whewell, Zena Aris-Sutton, Steve Wilson, David Aris-Sutton, John Reed, Iain Moore, Kate Badger
  2. Apologies: None
  3. Minutes of 12.10.22 – The Minutes of the meeting of 12.10.22 were accepted as a true and correct record.
  4. Matters Arising
    • Tree planting swizzels email 16.8.22 – Not follow up.
    • Quiz prizes – Letter to local and non-Local business, Tracker in Gdrive – Zena to share letter for checking, once finished directory – get Lee to print letter and delivery where no email.
    • LSO finance report and learnings – VNM team stay on Sight/Number plan in order, Schedule times for arrival. Profit £466.27
    • Co-op bank closed – now closed.
    • Digital notice board – ZAS agree need to look at funding for possibly 3-4 screens, ZA to check with Chafes/Apex travel if will to host screen
    • Remove cheque as payment – Done.
    • Carnival committee – Jane doing stalls/Food, john road closures, Steve programme, Zena entertainment, David Parade – Kate to check on Judging.
    • AGM DATE in March – New Mills volunteer centre/Rock Mill Centre – Sunday 26th March – Noon
    • More volunteers – Chole and Iain to help out and see if what to join after a trial. Maybe Judge at Carnival, Kate B is also going to see if anyone is willing to do it.
    • Jan W/Emily Leaving – Thanks for all for all the work and input provided over the course of being a member, much appreciated.
    • NMF – Kate Badger attending meeting – building relationships – 42 organisations – shared google calendar.
    • Mugs and Bags – now in 3 locations
    • LSO thank you, held an event for volunteers at Hare & Hounds and advertised posts on Facebook and Instagram we did for those in the programme, as well as thank you posts.
    • Lanterns – in storage – see if the festival wants these instead, as we don’t use them, and will provide Kate with photos.
    • Plastic ban Oct – enforce at events – Have think and discuss further next meeting – Kate to share what other groups have come up with.
    • LSO – Festoons labels – need to get 2 leads from New Mills cuisine and Sylhet, ask Ryan. Wiseheart & wild to plug in for this year instead
  5. Correspondence:
    1. Letter from crossroads re: quizit
    2. Wiseheart & wild – pride logo – everyone happy for it to be used in leaflet
  6. Finance Update: The current bank balance is £7430.95 in credit.

The money raised from Quizits – 568 quizzes to date £47,184.13

  • New Mills Youth Matters -£158
  • New Mills cadets – £117
  • New Mills community Cinema – £171
  • Visit New Mills – £250
  • New Mills volunteer centre – Warm HUbs – £360
  • OAP Hampers – £161.20
  • Crossroads Derbyshire – £143
  • High Peak Homeless – £165.80
  • NM LSO – £206.15
  • Thornsett Primary PTA – £208
  • NM Amateur Operatic Society – £156
  • Royal British Legion £172.80
  • NM Xmas tree – £181.20
  • NM Youth & Community Project – £178.00
  • New Mills Cricket Club – £121
  1. Media Update:

Website page views 4794 +16%, sessions 3141+7% in 30 days

Facebook membership was 10,505, Twitter membership  2236 and Instagram 2373

  1. Any Other Business:
    • Rock Mill can we support road closure of Rock mill lane – Coronation – Big Eat Day/Big help out!
    • Women’s Group may help with the Defilbarator page for the VNM site as suggested by ZAS
  2. Date, time and place of next meeting: AGM Sunday 26th March Noon TBC
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