Meeting Minutes for the meeting on 13th September 2023

  1. Present: Zena Aris-Sutton,  Sean Whewell(SW), David Aris-Sutton & Edit Zsibrita
  2. Apologies: John Reed & Steve Wilson (SWI)
  3. Minutes of 2.7.23 – The Minutes of the meeting of 2.7.23 were accepted as a true and correct record.
  4. Matters Arising
  • Iain has resigned from his post, we would like to acknowledge and thank him for his contributions
    • New recruit
    • SW – High CVS, Social and Notice board
  • Digital notice board update
    • So far had 26 submissions, from 13 different groups, Rock Mill Centre, Incredible Edible New Mills, New Mills u3a, Friends Of New Mills Stations, Spring Bank Arts, New Mills Art Theatre, Spring Bank Arts Centre, The Brian Nolan Art Trust,Providence URC, The Little Mill, New Mills & District Volunteer Centre,Youth Matters New Mills CIC, Visit New Mills
    • Rock mill & NM pantry fitted, damaged to one screen so delay on Youth Matters
    • Order – new one by 22nd Sept once know where at with the Refund, currently via website, then next stage via credit.
    • Advertise the notices board for businesses to plan to submit late September ready for October.
  • Banners alternative to A0 posters (LSO)
    • Order both LSO x 3 and cinema x 2 – ZA to send the LSO design to confirm/design Cinema.
  • TYF feedback
    • During the academic year instead maybe or 1st weekend of school holidays
    • Involvement of schools/a representative?
    • Bands – need more fill the stage
    • Starting process earlier/stick with forms
    • Last Sunday of September
  • Who will be treasurer we will have a think about it – admin to the finances – bank photo number needs changing to Zena’s (only necessary for security)
    • SW to give us talk/run through of process of finances date to be confirmed
  • Flags – Quote £1,797.54 for 70 flags same as last ones! Should we do these again next year we would also need flag poles, what are the alternatives? maybe planters/floor/shop fronts
  • Flower baskets, are we doing next year – funding £4k approx? – see above – consult with shop
  • Website updates
    • Torr Vale tap – added in Sept, Updated beles brownies – also adding Dog welcome on Pub and cafes
    • Cycling website page – Frank already helping, maybe approach Sam at sett valley Cycles/HPBC – Move more High peak
      • progressing to leaflet in 2024
    • Walking website page update – Kamoot and GPX files
  • PAT testing feestons(5k worth) – Need to book next one ASAP/ Ask Annie to PAT test PA
  • LSO
    • Programme – who put it together, Lee helping put layout and with printing deadline 20th Oct.
      • Events at xmas, businesses and community groups – how to ask a post/email
      • Programme – free week on Notice board- landscape can only do as full page(when half page on programme) maybe – 3 weeks for a full page/portrait advert – update email and discuss when going to businesses
      • Colouring in page/recipes/Articles/Jokes/Competition/Crochet or origami pattern
      • Map – times/road closure
    • Form- stall/entertainment (Chris Marley – World Record Breaking juggler and entertainer)
    • Road closures(PL) – 4 x 4 derbyshire waiting to hear back/toilets
    • LSO Meeting w/jane & Trevor – discuss on group a date by end of month
    • Sns Trees confirmed 16 ft tree for this year, same as last year. Blyth house want tree bracket (free of charge)and so do best one – SNS trees poster on Notice board
  1. Correspondence:
    • Thank you from Kinder Mountain rescue for Quizit
  2. Finance Update: The current bank balance is £10,059.90 in credit.

The money raised from Quizits

    • Kinder mountain rescue £125.00
    • Torrs Youth Festival £178.00
    • Hayfield & NM fair trade £173.00
    • Defib NM Packhorse £182.00
    • NM Notice Boards £154.00
    • george’s parish hall £206.50
    • Community storage £148.00
    • Stockport samaritans £139
    • New Mills Volunteer centre £197.00
    • NM school theatre £230
  1. Media Update:
  • Website page views 8569, sessions 5996 +79% increase versus previous 30 days
  • Facebook membership was 11,245(+1.2%), Twitter membership 2232(+0.0%) and Instagram 2551(+2.2%)
  1. Any Other Business:
    • Flags – Take down flags this month – set date
    • Locations for feestons, go up 1st week November- used to be simply indian.
    • Storage – NMAT will be asking us to vacate the room – need new storage area – unknown time frames
    • FONMS – speak to grahame and see why not asked for funds
    • LSO – Trapeze sean will check
    • Lottery – on digital board – send copy to SW
    • LSO – grants
    • Glasses for LSO – stock take to make sure
  2. Date, time and place of next meeting: Nov 7pm – venue TBC
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